
Our favorite blogs for nonprofit Salesforce administrators

There are so many people involved in the Salesforce world and many of them are blogging about their experiences and their ideas. We have put together a list of a few of our favorite Salesforce blogs, some nonprofit-focused and some not. We hope you enjoy reading them and if you have some of your favorites, let us know.



(in alphabetical order)

Admin Hero

While not nonprofit-specific, MVP Brent Downey does a great job representing the Admin community! His deep experience shines through.

Start here with a fun way to find out what you know and what you don’t know: 90 things I wish I knew as a new administrator


Brightstep Partners

We greatly appreciate this relatively new contribution from Tracy Kronzak and Megan Himan. They fiercely and honestly tackle tough questions and topics within our beloved community.

Start here with a thought-provoking fave: A Woman in Salesforce Land


Buttonclick Admin

Mike Gerholdt’s Buttonclick Admin is a fantastic resource for keen admins, nonprofit or not. The weekly(ish) podcast and frequent posts are always worth a listen or read.

Start here with a Foundation-focused episode: The Salesforce Foundation with Marc Baizman [podcast]


Cloud for Good

Cloud for Good has a strong track-record of very helpful documentation posts and tool roundups.

Start here to get rolling (see what I did there?): Adding it Up: Understanding Roll-up Summary Fields


Gorav Seth

Gorav is a maverick. This longtime Salesforce admin (and MVP) at Ashoka loves to push Salesforce to its limits, but he (usually) stops short of code. He blogs about his innovative nonprofit use cases for new and undersung platform features. His experiments are great food for thought.

Start here and spark some ideas of your own: User Login Interface Flows


Longshore Consulting

Missy Longshore’s blog covers a range of topics for those working with Salesforce in nonprofits, all with a delightful sense of humor.

Start here with a GIF-filled gem: 5 Tips on How To Use Salesforce Sandboxes For Nonprofits.


Melissa VanDyke

Melissa is a new and powerful entrant on the scene, targeted at what she calls “ambitious admins”. She’s an expert in project management and process documentation, and we are enjoying her style!

Start here with a great model for process documentation: Know Your PB&Js.

Sure, the’s blog features product updates and case studies, but it also provides a fascinating glimpse into another crucial part of the 1-1-1 model — employee volunteering!

Start here with one Salesforce employee’s story: Why I’m Going Back to Nepal Developer Blog

This Salesforce Foundation blog is focused on the NonProfit Starter Pack sharing information about new release features and their impact on NPSP as well as technical information around NPSP.

Start here with a blog on removing and prevent duplicates:  Duplicate Management for the NonProfit Starter Pack


Soapbox Engage Blog

When they’re not running NPSP Days or writing the PUB Crawl newsletter, the folks at Soapbox Engage weave together a wide variety of Salesforce NPSP recipes that you can use right away.  Start here with a list of great ways to optimize the NPSP for fundraising:  Salesforce Nonprofit Success Pack: 27 Optimization Ideas for Fundraising


The Connected Cause

One of the oldest nonprofit Salesforce blogs out there, this site is spearheaded by Heller Consulting but often features guest authors. Content ranges from change management tips to product features, case studies, and tech tips.

Start here with some tech tips co-authored by our own Beth Breisnes: Salesforce Activities – What You Need to Know [Tech Tips]


Women Code Heroes

Kieren Jameson’s blog is aimed at women Salesforce admins who want to broaden their skills and learn to code, but it’s not just for women! Her Cooking with Code posts make complex ideas super easy to digest (pun fully intended).

Start here to stretch yourself into some programmatic principles: How buying a major appliance can help you understand Object-Oriented Programming


And, of course, there’s our blog, but you know that because you are here.