Groundwire Base to Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP)
IslandWood is an environmental learning center that provides nature-based education opportunities for children. They serve over 10,000 students every year.
IslandWood has been on Salesforce since 2008 and uses Salesforce to run many aspects of their business. Bigger Boat helped the IslandWood team move from a legacy Groundwire Base donor management system to the Nonprofit Success Pack v3. This required a thoughtful approach given the broad organizational use of the system and the many 3rd party applications (Intacct, Steelbrick, and iATS) in use. The system upgrade resulted in streamlined processes, more accurate data, and a renewed commitment to the collaborative use of Salesforce.
Project Details
IslandWood took a thoughtful approach to staffing their project for success. Matt Eldridge of Island shared the details in a blog post on their Salesforce staffing benchmark study.